Workshop on Knowledge Engineering
for Planning and Scheduling

Toronto, Canada, May 13, 2010

Welcome | Organizers | Call for papers | Programme

Call for Papers

Quick Facts

submission via email to
submission deadline March 1st, 2010 CLOSED!
paper format PDF in AAAI style


We seek original papers ranging from experience reports to the description of new technology in the following areas:

  • formulation of domains and problem descriptions
  • tools for the acquisition of domain knowledge
  • pre- and post-processing techniques for planners and schedulers
  • acquisition and refinement of control knowledge
  • formal languages for domain description
  • re-use of domain knowledge
  • translators from other application-area-specific languages to solver-ready domain models (such as PDDL)
  • formats for specification of heuristics, parameters and control knowledge for solvers
  • import of domain knowledge from general ontologies
  • ontologies for describing the capabilities of planners and schedulers
  • automated reformulation of problems
  • automated knowledge extraction processes
  • domain model, problem and plan validation
  • visualisation methods for domain models, search spaces and plans
  • mapping domain properties and planning techniques
  • knowledge engineering aspects of plan analysis

Submission Procedure

Two types of papers can be submitted. Full technical papers with the length up to 8 pages are standard research papers. Short application papers with the length up to 2 pages describe a particular system or application. The papers will be presented at different sessions, the technical papers will have a standard presentation format with commentary, while the application papers will be presented in a dedicated session as a system demonstration (similar to ICKEPS system demo or ICAPS application showcase). All papers should conform to the AAAI style template. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two referees. Interested contributors are invited to communicate their intent to submit to the workshop organizers.

The participants are kindly requested to send the paper, in PDF format only, to the organizers at e-mail address by March 1st, 2010 (closed!). Workshop participants should be registered for ICAPS'10 or a co-located conference.

In conjunction with the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS-10)


Roman Barták, Charles University, Czech Republic
contact email: bartak (AT)

Simone Fratini, ISTC-CNR, Italy
contact email: simone.fratini (AT)

Lee McCluskey, University of Huddersfield, UK
contact email: lee (AT)

Tiago Stegun Vaquero, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
contact email: tiago.vaquero (AT)

Programme Committee

Piergiorgio Bertoli
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Mark Boddy
Adventium Labs, U.S.A.
Adi Botea
NICTA/ANU, Australia
Amedeo Cesta
Stefan Edelkamp
Universität Dortmund, Germany
Susana Fernández
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Antonio Garrido
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Arturo González-Ferrer
University of Granada, Spain
Peter A. Jarvis
Ugur Kuter
University of Maryland, USA
José Reinaldo Silva
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dimitris Vrakas
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


Submission deadline: March 1st, 2010
Notification of acceptance:
March 24th, 2010
Camera-ready copy due: March
31st, 2010
Workshop (full day): May 13, 2010