Prague - the magical city of bridges, cathedrals, gold-tipped towers
and church domes, whose image has been mirrored in the surface of the
Vltava river for more than ten centuries. Prague is also a modern European
metropolis full of energy, music, and art. Discover Prague and its surroundings
when attending CP-AI-OR 2005!
Vitus' Cathedral (Katedrála Sv. Víta)
gothic cathedral, the spiritual symbol of the Czech state, founded
in the year 1344 by Jan Lucembursky (John of Luxembourg) and
his sons Karel (Charles) and Jan Jindrich (John Henry) in the
place of the original romanesque rotunda. Decorated by precious
works of art it encloses St. Wenceslas' Chapel and the Crypt
with tombs of Bohemian kings. The coronation jewels are deposited
here, too.
Bridge (Karlův most)
oldest Prague bridge built in the place of the Judita's Bridge
that had been badly damaged by a flood in 1342. The Stone or
Prague Bridge since 1870 called Charles Bridge, was founded
by Charles IV in the year 1357. Both ends of the bridge are
fortified by towers (the Lesser Town Bridge Towers, the Old
Town Bridge Tower). From 1683 to 1928 thirty sculptures and
sculptural groups of the saints were gradually set on the bridge
Theater (Národní divadlo)
neo-rennaisance building erected in 1868 - 1881 as a result
of a vast national collection (architect J. Zitek). A fire destroyed
much of the building in its first year of existence; it was
reconstructed by architect Josef Schulz in 1883. The outside
and inside decoration was completed by the artists of the National
Theater generation - M. Ales, F. Zenisek, V. Hynais, J. V. Myslbek,
etc. The National Theater is the outstanding Czech stage and
its repertoire consists of drama, opera and ballet performances.
and Czech Beer (Pivo)
1842 beers were dark and cloudy, until visionary brew-master
created the world's first golden beer. This revolutional breakthrough
took place in the city of Pilsen, in today's Czech Republic;
the town and the beer have given its name to the new style of
beer - Pilsner. Find out why the total consumption of beer in
the Czech Republic - 160 liters per capita per year - is the
highest in the world.