PLANET Technology
Information Day |
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9:40 - 10:30 |
Claude Le Pape (ILOG
S.A., France)
Scheduling: Principles and Application
- Biography
- Dr. Claude Le Pape is Director of R&D on Manufacturing Scheduling at ILOG S.A. His main research interests are constraint programming, hybrid problem-solving methods, and their application to complex scheduling problems. He received a PhD in Computer Science from University Paris XI and a Management Degree from "College des Ingénieurs" in 1988. From 1989 to 2001, he was successively postdoctoral student at Stanford University, consultant and software developer at ILOG S.A., senior researcher at BOUYGUES S.A., and research director at BOUYGUES TELECOM, heading a team of 30 researchers in various domains, i.e., telecommunication networks, multimedia technologies, computer science, combinatorial optimization, and social sciences. He designed and developed the first versions of the ILOG SCHEDULER library, as well as CLAIRE SCHEDULE, the first constraint programming library for "preemptive" and "elastic" scheduling. He participated to several European research projects (including the CHIC-2 project on the application of hybrid problem-solving methods to large-scale combinatorial optimization problems) and to the development of many industrial applications in different domains, including mixture design, inventory management, long-term personnel planning, construction site scheduling, and manufacturing scheduling. One of his PhD student, Philippe Baptiste, received both the Robert Faure price from the French Operations Research and Decision Analysis Society (ROADEF) and the Cor Baayen price from the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), for his outstanding work at the frontier of operations research and constraint programming.