Marta Vomlelová - Životopis
Od své disertace se věnuji pravděpodobnostním grafickým modelům. V rámci tříletého pobytu na Aalborg University jsem se podílela na vývoji konkrétního systému pro troubleshooting tiskáren ve spolupráci s HP [2001], i na rozvoji teoretického zákadu influenčních diagramů (unconstrained influence diagrams [2002]).
Na MFF se jednak dále věnuji pravděpodobnostním modelům ([2004,2006,2009,2014],vedení projektu Guido), a také strojovému učení a zpracování dat ([2011]).
Podílím se na grantu GAČR P103-15-19877S – Automatické modelování znalostí a plánů pro autonomní roboty([2015]).
Spolupracuji též se skupinou prof. Vojtáše na analýze uživatelských preferencí a uživatelů na konkrétních datových sadách ([2011,2015]).
2001 Ph.D. v informatice, Fakutla informatiky a statistiky, VŠE, Praha
1994 Mgr. v umělé inteligenci,MFF UK, Praha
2002 - nyní
odborná asistentka na Univerzitě Karlově, MFF, Katedře teoretické informatiky a matematické logiky
1999 - 2002
Research assistant in The Research Unit of Decision Support Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark.
1996 – 2000
Laboratoř inteligentních systémů, VŠE, Praha
1994 - 1996
Vedoucí školicího střediska v ALEA s.r.o., Praha
[2011]Jan Dědek, Peter Vojtáš, Marta Vomlelová: Fuzzy ILP Classification of Web Reports after Linguistic Text Mining, Information Processing & Management,2011
[2009]Kristian S. Ahlmann-Ohlsen, Finn V. Jensen, Thomas D. Nielsen, Ole Pedersen, Marta Vomlelová, A comparison of two approaches for solving unconstrained influence diagrams,International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 50, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 153-173
Vomlelová F.V. Jensen: An extension of lazy evaluation for influence
diagrams avoiding redundant variables in the potentials,
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and
Knowledge/based Systems, Volume 12, pp. 1-17 (January 2004), World
Scientific Publishing Company
[2003]Marta Vomlelová: Complexity of decision-theoretic troubleshooting, International Journal of Intelligent Systems,Volume 18, Issue 2, 267-277 Special Issue: Probabilistic Graphical Models. Issue Edited by Antonio Salmerón, José Gámez.
[2003]M. Vomlelová and J. Vomlel: Troubleshooting: NP-hardness and solution methods, Soft Computing Journal, Volume 7, Number 5, April 2003, pp. 357-368.
[2002]Jensen, F.V., Vomlelová, M. (2002); Unconstrained influence diagrams. Eighteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Edmonton Canada, August 2002, Morgan Kaufmann, 234-241
[2001]Jensen, F.V., Kjaerullf, U., Kristiansen, B., Langseth, H., Skaanning, C., Vomlel, J., Vomlelova, M (2001).; The SACSO methodology for troubleshooting complex systems; Artificial Intelligence for Engineering, Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 15, 321-333
[2015]Brunetto, R., Vomlelová M., Reinforcement Structural Learning, In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES’15) Monínec, Czech Republic, pp. 13-24, 2015
[2016]M. Kopecky, L. Peska, P. Vojtas, M. Vomlelova. Monotonization of User Preferences. In:Flexible Query Answering Systems 2015, T. Andreasen et all Eds., Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 400, Springer International Publishing, pp. 29-40, 2016
[2014]Brunetto R., Vomlelová M.: Acting and Bayesian Reinforcement Structure Learning of Partially Observable Environment. Proceedings of the main track of the 14th Conference on Information Technologies - Applications and Theory (ITAT 2014), with selected papers from Znalosti 2014 collocated with Znalosti 2014, Demanovska Dolina - Jasna, Slovakia, September 25 - 29, 2014.
[2015]Vomlelova, M., Kopecky M., Vojtas P. Transformation and aggregation preprocessing for top-k recommendation GAP rules induction. In Rule Challenge and Doctoral Consortium @ RuleML 2015. N. Bassiliades et al Eds. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1417.
[2015]P. Vojtas, M. Kopecky, M. Vomlelova, Understanding transparent and complicated users as instances of preference learning for recommender systems, MEMICS 2015
[2010]Dědek J., Vojtáš P., Vomlelová M.: Evaluace fuzzy ILP klasifikátoru na datech o dopravních nehodách., in Znalosti 2010, Jindřichův Hradec, Oeconomica, ISBN: 978-80-245-1636-3, pp. 187-190, 2010
[2009]J. Vomlel, M. Vomlelová: Applying Bayesian networks in the game of Minesweeper, Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, Universitatis Ostraviensis, Ostrava
[2006]Vojtáš P., Vomlelová M.: On models of comparison of multiple monotone classifications, in IPMU 2006 - Information Processing and management under Uncertainty, Éditions EDK, Paris, ISBN: 2-84254-112-X, pp. 1236-1243, 2006
[2005]M. Vomlelová, P. Vojtáš. Pravděpodobnostní pohled na víceatributové dotazy v distribuovaných systémech, ITAT 2005, Peter Vojtáš (editor), pp.167-177
[2004]P.Vojtáš, M. Vomlelová. Trasformation of deductive and inductive tasks between models of logic programming with imperfect information, In Proc. IPMU 2004, B. Bouchon-Meunier et al. eds. Editrice Universita La Sapienza, Roma, 2004, 839-846
[2003]Marta Vomlelová: Unconstrained influence diagrams - experiments and heuristics, The Sixth Workshop on Uncertainty Processing WUPES'2003, Hejnice, Czech Republic, 24-27th September, 2003.
[2001]M. Vomlelová: Complexity of decision-theoretic troubleshooting. In Proceedings of 9th Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference and 4th Technological Transfer of Intelligence Artificial Congress, Gijón, Spain, November 14-16, 2001.
[2000]M. Sochorová and J. Vomlel: Troubleshooting: NP-hardness and solution methods, The Fifth Workshop on Uncertainty Processing WUPES'2000, Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic, 20-24th June 2000.
[1998]Petr Berka, Marta Sochorová Jan Rauch: Using GUHA and KEX for Knowledge Discovery in Databases; the KDD Sisyphus Experience, 1998, Chemitzer Informatik-Berichte, ECML 98