NAIL108 Mobilní robotika / Mobile Robotics
If foreign students enroll, the course is in English, otherwise in Czech. Lecture notes are in English anyway.
LS 2023/24: Přednáška pátek 10:40, cvičení pátek 11:30. Troja, Impakt, N238
Summer term 2023/24: Class Fridays 10:40, Tutorial Fridays 11:30. Troja, Impakt, N238
Anotace / syllabus
V rámci předmětu budou probírána témata specificky se týkající mobilních robotů. Problematika je probírána se zaměřením na autonomní zařízení, tzv. SGV (Self-Guided Vehicles): používaný hardware, software, algoritmy i teoretické problémy.
This course concerns on topics specific to mobile robotics. The topics are focused on autonomous devices or SGVs - “Self-Guided Vehicles”: hardware, software, algorithms, and theoretical problems.
It is expected students can use ROS (see NAIL112 Middleware for robotics).
R. Siegwart et al.: Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots
G. A. Bekey: Autonomous Robots
J. L. Jones et al.: Mobile Robots: Inspiration to Implementation
H. R. Everett. Sensors for Mobile Robots: Theory and Application
Slides can be found here
I have to add access rights for new students manually, so if you enroll and still get "access denied", let me know by email.