NPRG037 - Programování mikrokontrolerů / Microcontroller programming

Winter term 2024/25 Class Friday 9:00 N10, Tutorials Friday 10:40 N10

Na přednášce a cvičení se podíváme na mikrokontrolerové platformy jako jsou Arduino, Micro:bit, Raspberry Pi Pico apod. Kromě základního použití se zvolenou platformou budeme zabývat podrobněji (co je v pozadí, jak to funguje atd.), na cvičeních je prakticky budeme používat.
In the course, microcontroller platforms (like Arduino, Micro:bit, Raspberry Pi Pico and/or similar) are explored. Besides basic use, we will concern more on one such platform - what is behind, how it works etc. The platform will be used practically on the tutorials.

Kurs se průběžně mění podle novinek v oboru.
The course evolves based on advances in the branch.

In case non-Czech speaking students enroll, the course is held in English, otherwise in Czech.

Current slides:
will be gradually added as we proceed and also when changed from previous years
if a link is dead, either I have pulled that down intentionally for being obsolete, or it is some error, so notify me.
For tutorials info, follow this link.