Spring School of Artificial Intelligence
Spring School of Artificial Intelligence will be organized by Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic of Charles University. The event is held in an informal atmosphere with its program consisting of presentations of research papers by students. There is always enough time for non-scientific activities including hiking, biking or skiing (in some years, all of them).Spring School 2023 will be held from 18 (Tuesday) to April 23 (Sunday) in Patejdlovka (Krkonoše, Czechia). You may take a look in the map.
Usually Spring School is by invitation only but you can still ask for attendance. In that case write us shortly where you have heard about it and little bit about your work and interests. Send us an email to fink (at) ktiml.mff.cuni.cz for any further information.
Basic information about talks
- The main part of the scientific programme will be presentations of papers by the student participants. Ask your supervisor or a teacher of your favourite course to provide you a research paper for your presentation. If you want to give a talk on a paper not discussed with any member of our department, you should consult this with the organizers.
- The talk should be in English. If you have significant problems with English language, you should consult them with the organizers.
- There will be about three talks per day. Every talk has reserved time slot for 90 minutes. If you want even more time than those 90 minutes, let us know and you may get two time slots.
- If you have any demands on date you want to give the talk, please write us. It will help us to pre-schedule the talks.
- It will be possible to use a projector and a whiteboard.
- If you have any special requirements please let us know.
We will travel by a bus. On April 18, the bus leaves at 16:00 from upper Malostranské náměstí (GPS: 50.0880158N, 14.4024178E). Please be there on time, at least 10 minutes in advance, so the meeting is at 15:50. We will have a dinner after our arrival around 19:00.On April 23, the bus will departure from Patejdlova bounda at 10:00 and arrive in Malostranské náměstí around 13:00.
What will be needed
- Bring your own home shoes (slippers) and a towel.
- We recommend to take your hiking boots since we may walk on snow (depending on the weather).
- If you like, you can bring your bike or skies (depending on the weather).
- Sleeping pads and bags are unnecessary.

Jirka FinkPrevious Spring Schools
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