List of my publicactions is organized by topics:- Matchings and cycles in hypercubes
- Smart Grids
- Arc routing problems
- Matematical chemistry: Gutman and Wiener indices
- Thesis
Matchings and cycles in hypercubes
Jiří Fink and Torsten Mütze. Matchings in hypercubes extend to long cycles. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.01769, 2024. Accepted in IWOCA 2024.
J. Fink. Two algorithms extending a perfect matching of the hypercube into a hamiltonian cycle. European Journal of Combinatorics, 2020. [ DOI | .pdf ]
J. Fink. Matchings extend into 2-factors in hypercubes. Combinatorica, 39:77--84, 2019. [ DOI | .pdf ]
T. Dvořák and J. Fink. Gray codes extending quadratic matchings. Journal of Graph Theory, 90(2):123--136, 2019. [ DOI | .pdf ]
J. Fink, T. Dvořák, P. Gregor, and T. Novotný. Towards a problem of ruskey and savage on matching extendability. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 61:437--443, 2017. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink and P. Gregor. Linear extension diameter of level induced subposets of the boolean lattice. European Journal of Combinatorics, 35:221--231, 2014. [ .pdf ]
T. Dvořák, J. Fink, P. Gregor, V. Koubek, and T. Radzik. Testing connectivity of faulty networks in sublinear time. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 14:223--231, 2012. [ .pdf ]
T. Dvořák, J. Fink, P. Gregor, and V. Koubek. Gray codes with bounded weights. Discrete Mathematics, 312:2599--2611, 2012. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink and P. Gregor. Long cycles in hypercubes with optimal number of faulty vertices. J. Comb. Opt., 24:240--265, 2012. [ .pdf ]
T. Dvořák, J. Fink, P. Gregor, V. Koubek, and T. Radzik. Efficient connectivity testing of hypercubic networks with faults. Combinatorial Algorithms, 6460:181--191, 2011. [ .pdf ]
T. Dvořák, J. Fink, P. Gregor, and V. Koubek. Long paths and cycles in faulty hypercubes: existence, optimality, complexity. El. Notes in Disc. Math., 34:35--39, 2009. Extended abstract on Eurocomb 2009. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink and P. Gregor. Long paths and cycles in hypercubes with faulty vertices. Information Sciences, 179:3634--3644, 2009. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink. Matching graphs of hypercubes and complete bipartite graphs. European J. Comb., 30:1624--1629, 2009. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink. Connectivity of matching graph of hypercube. SIAM J. Discrete Math, 23:1100--1109, 2009. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink. Perfect matchings extend to Hamilton cycles in hypercubes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B, 97(6):1074--1076, 2007. [ .pdf ]
Smart Grids
J. Fink and J.L. Hurink. Greedy algorithm for local heating problem. Discrete Optimization, 39:100627, 2021. [ DOI | .pdf ]
K. X. Perez, M. Baldea, T. F. Edgar, G. Hoogsteen, R. P. van Leeuwen, T. van der Klauw, B. Homan, J. Fink, and G. J. M. Smit. Soft-islanding a group of houses through scheduling of chp, pv and storage. In Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2016 IEEE International, pages 1--6, 2016. [ http ]
R.P. van Leeuwen, J. Fink, and G.J.M. Smit. Central model predictive control of a group of domestic heat pumps - case study for a small district. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, pages 136--147, 2015. [ http ]
R.P. van Leeuwen, JB de Wit, J Fink, and G.J.M. Smit. House thermal model parameter estimation method for model predictive control applications. In PowerTech, 2015 IEEE Eindhoven, pages 1--6. IEEE, 2015. [ http ]
R.P. van Leeuwen, J. Fink, and G.J.M. Smit. Upscaling a district heating system based on biogas cogeneration and heat pump. Springer open journal on Energy, Sustainability and Society, 16:1--13, 2015. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink, R.P. van Leeuwen, J.L. Hurink, and G.J.M. Smit. Linear programming control of a group of heat pumps. Springer open journal on Energy, Sustainability and Society, 5, 2015. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink and J.L. Hurink. Minimizing costs is easier than minimizing peaks when supplying the heat demand of a group of houses. European Journal of Operational Research, 242:644--650, 2015. [ .pdf ]
R.P. van Leeuwen, J.B. de Wit, J. Fink, and G.J.M. Smit. Thermal storage in a heat pump heated living room floor for urban district power balancing effects on thermal comfort, energy loss and costs for residents. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, pages 43--50. NSTICC Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2014. SMARTGREENS 2014. [ .pdf ]
Arc routing problems
J. Fink, M. Loebl, and P. Pelikánová. Arc-routing for winter road maintenance. Discrete Optimization, 41:100644, 2021. [ DOI | .pdf ]
Matematical chemistry: Gutman and Wiener indices
V. Andova, D. Dimitrov, J. Fink, and R. Škrekovski. Bounds on Gutman Index. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 67:515--524, 2012. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink, B. Lužar, and R. Škrekovski. Some remarks on inverse wiener index problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160:1851--1858, 2012. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink. Probabilistic Methods in Discrete Applied Mathematics. PhD thesis, Department of Applied Mathematics, Charles Univesity in Prague, 2010. [ .pdf ]
J. Fink. Optimization and statistics. Master's thesis, Department of Applied Mathematics, Charles Univesity in Prague, 2006. [ .pdf ]