Hypercube structures

Winter term 2024/25

Meeting: Send me email for an appointment by Oct 4th.
Lecturer: Petr Gregor (gregor(at)ktiml.mff.cuni.cz)
Course Information: 2/0 Zk NTIN097 in SIS


Lectures and lecture note assignments
(From the previous years.)

Note: Videos of the lectures from the year 2020/21 are available in the playlist on Stream UK.

Course Description
In this course we overview selected problems studied in hypercubes with emphasis on applications in theoretical computer science.

I assume only elementary knowledge. The course is suitable for all students in all Master of Computer Science study programs.

Average exercise grade will cover 60% of the final mark, and the other 40% will be given for exam.

Related Material
There is no textbook for this (rather unusual) course, the scribes will contain recommended literature for each topic.

Please let me know if you find some error in lecture scribes or if you have a solution to any of listed problems.